100gr oat bran
2 eggs
2 small onions (1 each for the pancakes and 1 for the mushrooms)
2 cloves of garlic (1 each for the buffers and 1 for the mushrooms)
350 g zucchini (coarsely grated)
Soy yogurt (1 half teaspoon per buffer)
1 package of organic mushrooms
1 block of smoked tofu
100gr. fresh baby spinach
100gr. chunky tomatoes, tomato paste and sun-dried tomatoes (without oil, not pickled)
olive oil
Basil (fresh or dried)
Sweet paprika
Zucchini Pancakes:
Peel onion and garlic and chop finely; Coarsely grate the washed and peeled zucchini; Mix everything together in a bowl with the oat bran and then mix with the eggs and add salt, pepper and a little basil (1 good pinch each, if you like 2 pinches for salt). Heat olive oil in the pan and then use a large (plastic) spoon to put small heaps into the pan and press it flat (approx. 1 cm thick) and slide into the desired shape (round, oblong, angular, as you like). Then fry each side for approx. 4-5 minutes. Before turning, test whether the buffers on the lower side are already firm enough to turn.
Keep the finished buffers warm in the preheated oven (75 degrees).
In the still hot pan, fry the tofu cut into strips and season with salt, pepper and paprika.
At the same time, fry the cut mushrooms with onion and garlic and season with salt and pepper. When the mushrooms are ready, push them together and place the spinach on the free space. Season the spinach with salt, pepper and nutmeg when frying (if you don't like nutmeg - just leave it out😉)
Also heat the chunky tomatoes, tomato paste and sun-dried tomatoes in a saucepan at the same time and season with salt and pepper and a little oregano.
Finally, arrange everything on the plate and put a dollop of soy yoghurt on top of the zucchini fritters.
Many thanks to Sven Paus for this great recipe
