1-2 avocado(s)
100 g vegan shepherd's cheese
2 tomatoes
Spring onion
salt and pepper
Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit e.g. by hitting the avocado with a knife and levering out the pit. Peel the avocado and cut it into strips of about 1 cm. Wash the tomato, remove the stalk and cut into eighths. Cut the Vegan Shepherd's Cheese into about 2 x 2 cm cubes.
Fry the avocado and tomato together with the garlic in a grill pan on level 7.5 on an induction stove for about 5 minutes. 1 - 2 minutes before the end of the time, add the vegan shepherd's cheese and olives and fry a little.

Auf einem Teller mit Frühlingszwiebeln garniert servieren. Bei Bedarf mit Salz und Pfeffer verfeinern.
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